simple health tips: weightloss
Showing posts with label weightloss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weightloss. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020

Diet plan for weight loss

May 18, 2020 0
Diet plan for weight loss

Diet plan for weight loss

Diet plan for weight loss
Diet plan for weight loss

Diet plan for weight loss. Weight and obesity are becoming a common problem in today's times, so people want to know about what to eat and what not to eat to reduce weight and obesity so that they can stop and reduce their increasing weight. There are many vegetarian foods that you can reduce your weight by consuming, in today's article you will know what to eat and what not to eat to lose weight.

Plant-derived diets provide a range of health benefits. Consuming a vegetarian diet can help reduce obesity as well as reduce the risk of many diseases, as well as it can be helpful in weight loss.

What to eat to lose weight

Apart from all kinds of dairy products and parties for obesity and weight loss, many delicious foods, as well as beverages, are available.

If you are concerned about weight loss and obesity and a diet plan for weight loss and want to remove obesity, then you can include the following foods in your daily diet:

Eat vegetables to lose weight

Almost all vegetables are full of fibre and protein. Fibre can help a lot in reducing weight and obesity. Fibre helps to enrich digestion. You can use tomatoes, spinach, brinjals, mustard greens, long ladyfinger onions, bitter gourd, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbage and all leafy vegetables to reduce weight and fat.

Fruit should be eaten to weight loss 

Fruits have been considered health beneficial based on all types of health characteristics. Low calorie and fibre-rich fruits include mango, papaya, pomegranate, guava, orange, litchi, apple, melon pear banana. These fibre-rich fruits reduce constipation and remove harmful toxins from the body. They are effective in reducing obesity and weight.

Use of nuts and seeds in food to weight loss 

Consuming nuts and seeds as an excellent morning snack is considered an easy way to weight loss as they contain balanced amounts of protein, fibre and healthy fats. Seeds and dry fruits are helpful in improving metabolism and weight loss. Cashew nuts, almond peanuts, pistachio pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds and other nuts and seeds can also be used as a health food.

Weight Loss Legumes And Pulses 

Some beans and other legumes and pulses are beneficial for reducing weight and obesity. To weight loss, you can add moong, bean seeds, beans, lentils, gram and other pulses to your diet. These foods are high sources of protein and fibre, which are considered useful foods for weight loss.

Weight loss diet is a tuber

People suffering from obesity and weight gain can take root and tubers like potato, carrot, sweet potato turnip yam etc. for a good diet.

Diet to weight loss - Whole grains

Appropriate amounts of protein are found in whole grains that are rich in fibre. Use brown rice, Oats basmati rice, millet, wheat, quinoa barley, corn, whole grain bread, jowar, etc. as whole grains. Whole grains are helpful in improving metabolic health. Special emphasis should be laid on cooking these grains.

Dairy products help in weight loss

Diet plan for weight loss. The appropriate amount of cheese, yoghurt, milk, ghee in dairy products should be included in their daily routine.

Use of spices to weight loss 

Add garlic ginger, cardamom, cumin-coriander, garam masala, turmeric, black pepper, fenugreek and basil to your diet as herbs and spices. These substances will help in reducing weight loss.

Food to weight loss is a healthy fat

Use of healthy fat content prevents obesity and weight gain. Coconut milk, full-fat dairy, avocado coconut oil, mustard oil, olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, ghee are all healthy fats. Yoghurt is a healthy fat-rich dairy product.

Diet plan for weight loss. Additionally, adding non-starchy vegetables like brinjal or tomato to your meal will boost fibre which can help you get a longer stomach full after eating.

Beverages to weight loss 

To avoid excess calorie energy and sugar, sugar-rich beverages and juices should be avoided. Because the number of calories and sugar in this beverage can be high, which can block effective weight loss measures.

Healthy beverages include the following options:


Sparkling water
Tea without sugar

What not to eat to weight loss

Overweight is a major threat to human health. Overweight and obesity give rise to various types of diseases. If you eat pre-made and packaged foods and beverages, then these sugary or calorie-rich foods can hamper efforts to weight loss and obesity.

Avoiding or limited use of certain foods and beverages given below is considered to be good for overall health along with weight loss.

Do not use foods made with sugar to weight loss 

Beverages containing sugar increase the risk of diabetes obesity and heart disease. Avoid eating high sugar foods such as candy ice cream, cookies, rice pudding pastry cakes, sweet yoghurt, high sugar grains, biscuits.

Avoiding Sweeteners to weight loss

Consuming too much food and products made with sweetener can increase the risk of diseases and diabetes. It also increases the cause of obesity. Hence jaggery sugar, honey, condensed milk all these products fall under the category of sweeteners. These substances can prove dangerous for obese individuals.

Do not consume trans fats to weight loss

Fake butter can contain artificial trans fats in highly processed foods and fast foods such as pastry cookies and cakes, which are very harmful and are associated with many diseases. Which can be a hindrance in your weight loss.

Sweet beverages prevent obesity from occurring

Sugar-rich sweetened beverages such as soda are one of the health-threatening foods. Sweet beverages such as soda, fruit juice, sweet tea, sweet lassi, sports drinks are all responsible for obesity and weight gain. Therefore, to weight loss, these beverages should be avoided.

Do not consume high-fat foods for weight loss

Cream, butter or margarine french fries chips fried foods, fast food like bhujia and all types of non-vegetarian food are good sources of high fat. All these substances are responsible for increasing weight and obesity. So, if you are obese then do not consume them.

To weight loss avoid refined grains

To weight loss, do not include refined grain products including white bread, white pasta biscuits in your diet.

What should not be eaten refined oil to weight loss

Canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, do not use all these oils as far as possible

Saturday, May 2, 2020

How To Increase Stamina

May 02, 2020 0
How To Increase Stamina

How To Increase Stamina

How To Increase Stamina
How To Increase Stamina

How to increase stamina, whether it means the mental ability or physical ability! These questions have become a question like the question of eggs and chicken. To say both are like two sides of the coin but mental capacity dominates over physical ability. The elephant is stronger than the lion in physical ability and the lion is more powerful in mental capacity, so the lion wins in both the battles.

It is important to know from this that the efforts you make every day to increase your capacity are sufficient. Know, what are the things you should take care to increase stamina, let's know how to increase stamina.

Aerobic exercise is a way to increase stamina

Large muscle groups are used when doing aerobic exercise. You can help improve endurance by pumping your heart. Do this for 30 to 60 minutes at a time each day. This increases the intensity of your workout a little bit each day.

Start slowly to increase stamina

If you have just started increasing the stamina, then take small steps in the beginning, rather than making a very difficult and rigorous program. If you want to complete a certain distance from yourself at a certain time, start by walking or taking short distances until your body develops more stamina.

Do some weight training each day. According to the American Medical College of Sports Medicine, weight training not only increases your muscle strength but also improves your balance, blood pressure, bone density and flexibility, it increases your energy levels and endurance. Can.

Eat healthy food to increase stamina

Remove all junk food and fast food from your diet. Filling your body with empty calories can make you unwell, which can reduce your stamina.

Focus on eating healthy during the making of stamina. Make sure you are energizing your body with beneficial foods that include carbohydrates, high-quality ingredients. Consumption of vegetables and fruits and fish and nuts that contain omega-3 fatty acids. It helps your heart and circulation, while whole grains provide you with energy. Protein helps to build and repair your muscles. For example, a good breakfast may include eggs, fresh fruits, low-fat milk, and whole wheat bread.

Water intake is the way to increase energy

To prevent dehydration, sweating while exercising can cause your body to lack water. So keep drinking water during and after workouts.

Avoid bad habits to increase stamina

Everyone has good and bad habits, about which we all know. Make a list of both types of habits and stay away from bad habits, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, junk food addiction etc. Only by killing these habits can you stay fit and your stamina can grow.

Manage your sodium levels to increase stamina

If you exercise hard throughout the day in hot weather, you will sweat more, consequently, your body will lose a lot of salt during sweating. A lack of salt in your body can cause an electrolyte imbalance, which can cause a rapid deterioration of your stamina and make you feel lighter and dizzy. To avoid such problems, make sure that you are getting enough sodium in your body, but you should check the risk of high blood pressure.

Protein is necessary for what to eat to increase stamina

Be sure to eat good quality protein, as it contains essential amino acids for our body to function. Include egg whites, low-fat milk and protein-rich foods such as milk products, fish and chicken in your diet.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Benefits of Swimming

April 30, 2020 0
Benefits of Swimming

Benefits of Swimming

Benefits of Swimming
Benefits of Swimming

There are advantages to swimming, but due to time constraints, we do not pay attention to this. There are many benefits of swimming that you may not be aware of. While most doctors recommend a 150-minute swim a week. Swimming is a type of exercise due to which swimming is considered beneficial for us. Swimming is a good way to improve your whole body and heart health. The benefits of swimming are helpful in reducing weight, promoting mental health, treating asthma, changing mood and treating insomnia etc.

What people don't do to stay fit. Whether it is about physical fitness or mental fitness, you should make time for both. If you are not benefiting from the same old exercise, then swimming can be very beneficial. The benefits of swimming also relieve stress. So let's know what are the benefits of swimming -

Benefits of Swimming

As you all know, regular exercise is required to stay healthy. But do you get pleasure from exercising? But swimming is an exercise that helps in keeping your body healthy as well as giving you pleasure. The benefits of swimming range from hair to toenails. This means that swimming, directly and indirectly, is beneficial to human health. Let us know in detail the benefits that we get while swimming.

Can you lose weight by swimming?

Benefits of Swimming for Weight Loss

Regular exercise is beneficial if you are trying to lose weight. But you can also adopt swimming to get more benefits for losing weight. Studies show that swimming can reduce your weight effectively. The advantage of swimming is that it can be done at any age which is effective. Women or men can all reduce their excess weight by swimming.

Benefits of Swimming Keep The Body Fit

Today's busy life is difficult to keep the body fit. But if you go swimming regularly in daily life then you can benefit. The biggest advantage of swimming is that it keeps your body fit. Because during this time all the parts of your body remain active. By doing this exercise, many types of exercises are done without putting any pressure on the body. By swimming in this way, you can get benefits such as increasing heart rate, strengthening muscles and increasing stamina.

Benefits of Swimming Strengthen The Body From Inside

Swimming makes your muscles strong and promotes cardiovascular health. During swimming, your breathing capacity also increases, which also makes your lungs strong. The benefits of swimming are so much that according to researchers it can also increase your life span. Studies show that non-swimmers have a shorter life span than regular swimmers. Apart from this, swimming regularly can also control blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Stamina - Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a type of cardiovascular exercise. Swimming daily if you want to increase your stamina. At the same time, you can also reduce your fat by this.

Benefits of Swimming Beneficial for Arthritis

Swimming is also a good practice for those who have arthritis, injury or any other type of disability. Because the benefits of swimming help reduce pain or recover from injury. One study suggests that exercises such as swimming and cycling are helpful in reducing the symptoms of people with osteoarthritis. In this way, if you can increase your health by giving swimming a place in daily life.

Importance of Swimming for Asthma

Indoor pool environment is very good for the asthmatic patient. Apart from this, while swimming, you do almost all kinds of exercises related to breath which you do not understand directly. Such as stopping breath during swimming, taking long, long breaths, breathing at regular intervals etc. All these activities strengthen your lungs. But it is important to be careful while using the swimming pool. Because studies show that the chemicals used to keep the pool clean are not good for the asthma patient. Therefore, the asthmatic patient should consult their doctor before using the pool.

Improve Your Sleep by Swimming

For those who are suffering from insomnia or lack of sleep, swimming can be a good option. Because all parts of your bodywork while swimming, your body needs more rest. Some studies show that people swimming regularly get easy and good sleep at night. You can also take advantage of swimming to improve your sleep.

Benefits of Swimming Boost Your Mood

Studies show that swimming can also increase your mental health. Researchers found that regular swimming of dementia patients improves their mental health. Swimming and aquatic workouts are not only psychologically beneficial for people with dementia. Rather, this exercise helps in boosting their mood and mood as well. If you are also troubled by any such problem then you can get the benefits of swimming.

What are the mental benefits of swimming?

Benefits of Swimming to Relieve Stress

If you want to get rid of stress then you can use swimming. Studies show that while swimming, your body produces hormones that can reduce stress. However, more research is still needed on this subject. But looking at the other benefits, it can be believed that swimming is an effective exercise to relieve stress.

Benefits of Swimming in Pregnancy

Swimming has benefits for pregnant women and young children. An animal study suggests that swimming may increase fetal brain development. Another study suggests that swimming reduces the risk of female pain and birth defects.

Keep in mind that swimming is considered safe during pregnancy. However, before swimming during this time take care of your health and swim only with the permission of your health advisor.

Prepare Right Before Swimming…

  • One should always go to the pool wearing a swimming costume.
  • Goggle on the eyes is beneficial for wearing a cap on his head.
  • Do not go beyond three feet deep in the beginning, be under the care of the coach.
  • Swimming should go at least one hour after eating breakfast or food.
  • Take a bath before landing in the pool, this will allow the body to quickly tolerate the temperature of the pool.

Disadvantages of swimming

Generally, swimming is beneficial for most people. But like other exercises, swimming also has some side effects.

If you are suffering from any type of injury then avoid swimming. Or decide to go swimming only after consulting your doctor.
Chlorine tablets are used in swimming pools. Therefore some people may be allergic to this water. In which the skin may have itching, rashes etc.
If you are suffering from serious respiratory diseases then you should avoid swimming.