Coronavirus Foods: What to eat and what not to avoid Coronavirus - simple health tips

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus Foods: What to eat and what not to avoid Coronavirus

What to eat and what not to avoid Coronavirus


Coronavirus has spread panic all over the world. India is also not untouched by this. Many people here have become infected with this virus. Health experts recommend that to avoid this deadly epidemic, one must take special care of their food and drink. In this article, we are going to tell you what to eat and what not to avoid the coronavirus.

Chinese scientists told a few days ago that this virus quickly succumbs to weak immunity or elderly people. To avoid this, it is very important to include high antiviral food in your diet. These things will boost the immune system and protect you from viruses.

Table of contents

  • What to eat to avoid the coronavirus

  • Eat vitamin C rich foods to prevent COVID-19
  • Ginger to avoid corona infection
  • Eat basil to avoid the danger of COVID-19
  • Garlic to avoid COVID-19
  • Take foods rich in vitamin D to avoid COVID-19
  • Take licorice to avoid COVID-19
  • Cinnamon is also beneficial to avoid coronavirus infection
  • Include mushrooms in diet chart to avoid COVID-19
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after meals

  • What not to eat to avoid coronavirus

  • Do not consume raw meat
  • Consumption of raw eggs is also not free from danger
  • Also do not eat raw green vegetables found in the market
  • Avoid alcohol consumption

What to eat to avoid coronavirus 

A strong immunity can protect you from any virus infection. Below you are told about the foods that can protect you from corona infection by strengthening immunity.

Eat vitamin C rich foods to prevent COVID-19

Vitamin C rich in anti-accident works to improve the immune system. For this, you should include things like amla, red or yellow capsicum, orange, guava, and papaya in your daily diet.

Ginger to avoid corona infection

Many anti-viral elements are found in ginger. So to avoid the corona, include it in your food. Consuming it with fennel or honey will give better results. Consuming ginger 3-4 times a day will keep your immunity good.

Eat basil to avoid the danger of COVID-19

Tulsi is very rich in elements that improve the immune system. Consuming one teaspoon of basil juice daily in the morning improves your immunity. Consuming it with 3-4 black peppercorns and one teaspoon of honey gives your body the power to fight diseases. To avoid corona, eat small amounts of basil daily in what to eat.

Garlic to avoid COVID-19

Many anti-viral elements are also found in garlic. Apart from soup or vegetables, you can also eat raw without it. Consuming garlic with a spoonful of honey gives a boost to your immune system. To avoid the risk of coronavirus, eating a couple of garlic balls is beneficial.

Take foods rich in vitamin D to avoid COVID-19

Consuming vitamin D can strengthen your immunity, which will reduce the risk of coronavirus infection several times. The main source of vitamin D is considered to be the sun. For vitamin D, you can include salmon fish and milk in your diet. Apart from this, you can also consume vitamin D through fortified foods (foods that contain vitamin D separately). However much other research on this is still going on.

Take licorice to avoid COVID-19

Disease resistance can also be strengthened by the consumption of licorice. Apart from this, the anti-viral properties present in licorice can also help protect you from other types of viral infections. Coronavirus infection is also similar to viral infection. Therefore, you can strengthen your immunity by taking licorice and avoid getting infected with the coronavirus.

Cinnamon is also beneficial to avoid coronavirus infection

You can also use cinnamon to avoid coronavirus and to strengthen the immune system. Because cinnamon has immunomodulatory properties. Apart from this, the anti-viral properties present in it can also help protect you from colds and colds. You should use it as a spice during cooking so that all the properties in it are easily accessible in your body through food.

Include mushrooms in diet chart to avoid COVID-19

Be sure to include mushrooms in your diet to avoid the coronavirus. According to experts, shitake mushrooms contain beta-gluconate. It has antiviral and immune-enhancing properties. For this reason, your immunity will be boosted, as well as it will help you to avoid coronavirus and other infections.

Wash hands thoroughly before and after meals

Wash hands thoroughly before and after eating food. A person living with hygiene reduces the risk of suffering from this virus by up to 90 percent. It is necessary to wash hands thoroughly before and after eating food. Also, do not put your hands repeatedly in the face and avoid shaking hands with people.

What not to eat to avoid coronavirus 

To avoid the risk of coronavirus, it is better to stay away from certain foods. Doctors say that eating raw things will not be good for health at this time.

Do not consume raw meat

It is better to eat meat only after washing and boiling. No meat has yet been identified as the cause of the infection behind coronavirus infection. Even a report in this regard has been issued by the Government of India. However, when consuming meats, keep in mind that it should be accompanied by cleanliness.

Consumption of raw eggs is also not free from danger

Do not eat raw eggs in what not to eat to avoid the coronavirus. Many gym-goers, in particular, include raw eggs in the diet. Do not eat raw eggs to avoid the corona.

Also do not eat raw green vegetables found in the market

Wash and boil the vegetables thoroughly, and then use them for eating.

Avoid alcohol consumption

To avoid COVID-19, the doctor has also advised that you should avoid alcohol consumption. Actually, consumption of alcohol affects the body's immunity. In such cases, do not consume alcohol to avoid infection.

The corona is spreading its legs very fast. In such a situation, you should take all the necessary measures to avoid its infection. These measures are also related to adequate hygiene and eating habits. Include foods that increase your immunity, especially in your diet at this time. In fact, a strong immune system can help protect you from coronavirus infection.

In this article, you have learned what to eat and what not to avoid the corona, and to avoid the COVID-19, wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

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