Hand Sanitizer vs. Hand Washing: Which Is Best for Preventing - simple health tips

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Hand Sanitizer vs. Hand Washing: Which Is Best for Preventing

Hand Sanitizer vs. Hand Washing
Hand Sanitizer vs. Hand Washing

Hand Sanitizer vs. Hand Washing

Which is your best way to clean hands in the fight against germs? Some people say that it is better to wash hands with handwash and others prefer to clean their hands with a hand sanitizer. But what is the best way to really clean your hands and protect yourself from germs that can save you from getting sick? Let's find out which method of hand sanitizer and handwashing is really better and why

First of all, not all hand sanitizers are the same

There are over a million different types of hand sanitizers. Including gels, foam, alcohol-based, all-natural, and more.

Now the question arises whether the type of hand sanitizer. Its active ingredient and its concentration really matter.

You should buy a hand sanitizer that contains 62-70% ethyl alcohol. Most popular brands these days, 70% of alcohol is found. But when it comes to alcohol-free hand sanitizers with ~ natural active ingredients. Like aloe vera, experts say they can kill some germs but certainly not enough for all germs. For a sanitizer to be effective, it must reduce a certain amount of microbes from one surface. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer reduces germs on your hands by about 99.99% and is sufficient to prevent disease.

So it does not really matter which brand of hand sanitizer you use. Or whether it is gel or foam, as long as it does not contain at least 60% alcohol, it is of no use to you. In addition, you should use enough hand sanitizer to clean your hands. So that your hands get wet and they take about 15 to 20 seconds to dry.

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are effective in killing most germs, including colds and flu - but not all.

Hand sanitizers cannot kill all germs

The hand sanitizer is very effective, but alcohol-based sanitizers do not kill all germs. Such as norovirus found in highly infectious domesticated animals, some parasites such as Giardia. And the diarrhea-causing bacterium Clostridium difficile.

They do not break down and are killed by alcohol compounds in sanitizers like other germs. The good news is that you are less likely to encounter these pathogens. Unless you work in a hospital where clostridia difficile spreads easily.

People are generally more concerned about the cold and flu viruses that are killed by alcohol-based hand sanitizers. But if you see dirt or sticky material on your hand. Then the sanitizer probably won't remove it, in which case cleaning the hand with a hand sanitizer is not considered correct.

So washing your hands with soap and water is the best hygiene method as it gets rid of both more germs and dirt.

Therefore, handwashing properly with soap and water is the best way to avoid germs. Let us know why it is better than a hand sanitizer?

Why is handwashing with soap and water better than hand sanitizer?

"Data show that handwashing properly is effective in reducing germs, as they actually kill germs, as well as physically removing handwashing." So unlike hand sanitizers, washing your hands removes those pathogens such as norovirus, giardia, and clostridium difficile.

Washing hands with soap and water has been found to be better than washing with water alone because soap loses the ability to hold germs by hand, making them easier to get away from.

But, you need to wash your hands thoroughly - which means washing hands with soap for 20 seconds.

  • Always use clean, flowing water. (It can be hot or cold.)
  • First, wet your hands, then turn off the water, and clean your hands with soap.
  • Rub your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. Be sure to scrub the back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your fingernails.
  • Turn on the water and wash your hands. Use a clean towel to wipe hands.

"People don't think about it, but drying it right after washing hands is also a very important step - if your hands are still wet, you will catch the germ very easily and transmit germs. " So don't get out with wet hands or wipe them on your pants - it's better to air dry them if you don't have a clean towel.

But hand sanitizer is still a good option if you cannot wash your hands or do not have clean water.

Hand sanitizer is good to use when there is no water

Hand sanitizers have made their way into the healthcare environment for one reason - they are fast, easy to use. And effective if handwashing is not an option,". And they are great for transporting to places. Where you can come in contact with the germ - such as public transport, public toilet, etc.

Certainly, a hand sanitizer is a great option if you are in a place. Where you do not have access to clean, flowing water. So having a little hand sanitizer. When you are traveling is a great way to avoid illness especially in developing countries. The only disadvantage of the hand sanitizer is that it can actually make your hands dry and irritate.

And yes, the hand sanitizer "kills good bacteria" on your hands. But there is no evidence that it is bad for your health.

You can also make it at home by knowing how to make a hand sanitizer at home.

Is the use of hand sanitizer bad for hands

You may have heard that you should not use a hand sanitizer because it kills all the good bacteria on your hands, which can be bad for your health as these bacteria help protect you. "Of course, it kills the good bacteria, but there is no evidence that it actually leads to any adverse health effects, and the good bacteria will quickly regroup if you leave your hand Hair or any other part of your body. "

The conclusion

Keeping your hands clean - whether it is through sanitizer or through handwashing. Will help prevent illness and keep you healthy.

Germs are everywhere and you sometimes come across them. But you want to try to avoid germs that can make you sick. And our hands are a vehicle for the germs that enter our bodies. Whether they are bathroom handrails, metro railings, raw food, your computer's keyboard. We have a lot of evidence that suggests handwashing Reduces disease. It is a measurable health benefit and is very important to prevent the spread of disease. Especially health care facilities, offices In schools, and so on.

Therefore, before eating or preparing food, wash your hands. Before touching your face, before touching a child, or before treating a cut or wound. And after using the bathroom, Wash thoroughly with soap and water, after changing baby diapers. After coughing or sneezing, after picking up trash, after touching a pet, or even if you see any dirt on your hands. Hand Wash.

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