simple health tips: Womens Issues
Showing posts with label Womens Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Womens Issues. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Information about home remedies for irregular periods

April 01, 2020 0
Information about home remedies for irregular periods

Information about periods and yoga and home remedies for irregular periods

Information about home remedies for irregular periods
Information about home remedies for irregular periods

Sometimes the period of women coming in and their pain is very unbearable. Today, even after the advancement of technology, the information about the periods of women is still incomplete and studies on it are going on. So today we are going to tell you the cause of pain in periods and yoga and home remedies to treat irregular periods. By which you can take measures to avoid the pain of periods and to avoid the trouble in it.

What are periods

Menstruation, also known as periods. In which the woman gets blood every month which is part of normal sexual health for women during the reproductive period. During this period blood flows through the uterus and comes out through the vagina into the body, which normally lasts 3 to 5 days.

Menstruation is a part of a woman's period cycle, which is of about 28 days duration, however, there are some variations as it is also 24 days or 35 days in some women.

What is a period cycle

When periods or menstruation occur regularly, it is called a period cycle. Periods cycle (menstrual cycle) is counted from the first day of the first menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation.

In this period, the hormone is released by the pituitary gland into the brain to stimulate the ovaries during the reproductive cycle and every month your body prepares pregnancy for this

Periods cycle varies with age, typically the average menstrual cycle is 28 days long and in adults, the cycle can range from 21 to 35 days and in young adolescents between 21 and 45 days.

When does the period begin

Periods usually begin between 8 and 16 years of age. Girls have their first periods starting at an average age of 12 years and occur when all the parts that make up a girl's reproductive system mature and start working together and the period is the first phase of a girl's puberty. it happens.

Generally, the first period begins about 2 years after the breasts develop. If a girl has not had any periods by the age of 15 or it has been more than 2 to 3 years since the breast augmentation started, she should see a doctor.

A girl can detect periods from 6 months before her first menstrual period with her more pronounced vaginal discharge and this vaginal discharge has a strong odour and causes itching which is completely normal and is about There is no need to worry.

Symptoms of periods

Here the symptoms of periods are being told and how to avoid them.

1. Lower abdominal pain with cramps in the symptoms of periods

Periods cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea. It is the most common symptom of menstruation. Two or three days in this period, women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen. The severity of pain varies for each woman.

In this state, when you feel pain, bathing with warm water, or exercising or stretching something relieves the pain, besides reducing the spasm with the hot stomach to ease the pain. Is considered the best medicine. But if you feel that your spasms are more serious then consult a doctor.

2. Bloating (puff belly) in the symptoms of periods

Bloating is fluid retention that can cause swelling around the groin area and make you feel uncomfortable. Blotting cannot be completely stopped, but it can reduce its pain by reducing the factors that contribute to it.

And for this, you should keep an eye on eating especially salt, sugar and caffeine and do some exercise to increase your blood circulation

3. Pimple Breakout Symptoms of Periods 

One of the most common symptoms in young adults or adolescents due to hormone fluctuations is pimples and may be the cause of oily skin that blocks your skin pores and can provoke pimples' breakout.

To treat it, wash your face twice a day and if you face painful acne then use that facewash to wash your mouth. Which contains salicylic acid or consult a doctor.

4. The symptoms of tired tiredness are 

Before periods or during periods, most women experience exhaustion. The most common areas of tenderness are the breast and lower back. It can be cured by medicine or it is also relieved by resting for the next few days.

5. Changes in mood are symptoms of periods 

Changes in mood swings or mood before or during this period are completely normal. The phrase "mood swing" is commonly used to convey intense feelings to women and indicates that they are very emotional. But mood swings are one of the hallmarks of PMS and are considered fine to express their emotions.

Causes and prevention of irregular periods

The irregularity of periods means a difference in the length of the interval between periods and includes the amount of blood as well as the duration of bleeding.

1. Amenorrhea is due to irregular periods

The problem of deficiency of periods, it is generally used to describe the absence of these periods:

  • Young girls do not begin periods before the age of 15.
  • Women and girls who have not had periods for 90 days or more.

There can be several reasons for such times as:

  • Tension
  • eating disorders
  • insanity workout
  • Feeding The Beast
  • Pregnancy
  • Serious medical reasons that require treatment

Regular periods mean that important parts of the body are functioning normally. But if a woman does not have her periods means that the ovaries stop producing normal amounts of estrogen. Not only this, but lack of these hormones also affects their overall health. PCOS and PCOD. Can cause hormonal problems. Let's know about them.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD)

These are hormonal disorders associated with ovulation. Since ovaries are an important part of the female reproductive system, a woman has two testicles in her lower half-abdomen and both ovaries release ova into the uterus every month.

PCOD and PCOS are associated with malfunctioning of the ovaries. In both, the woman faces the problem of irregular periods. PCOS causes a lot of ulcers in the ovaries. The word "shift" refers to many, these ulcers occur when regular changes of the period cycle are interrupted. This ovary produces excess amounts of androgens and estrogenic hormones, thus causing infertility with the absence of ovulation. PCOS is another condition of ovulation, in which the woman is affected in more than one way.

In polycystic ovary syndrome, twelve follicles are produced every month but all of them are immature so no egg is released as a result ovaries produce a high level of testosterone which are male hormones. Symptoms of this syndrome are periods problem, Weight gain, acne, difficulty in pregnancy, hair thinning, hair loss, depression, and the results of high androgen levels Facial and excessive hair on the body are covered in its symptoms.

2. Dysmenrera due to irregular periods 

In this, a woman goes through painful periods including severe cramps. In young girls, this is due to an excess of a chemical called prostaglandin. But it is not a disease or serious problem, although the cramps can be severe.

In adults, uterine fibroids or endometriosis cause pain. Uterine fibroids are a type of tumour that grows in the muscles of the uterus. Mostly, fibroids do not have any symptoms and do not require any treatment and end after a woman's menopause. But sometimes they cause heavy bleeding and severe pain during periods due to which the woman needs treatment.

Endometriosis is a condition in which menstrual bleeding comes from the wrong tissue and is left with no place to go, which can cause inflammation in the tissue surrounding the area of ​​endometriosis.

This woman may have painful abdominal pain, lower back pain during sexual activity or after the sexual activity that causes irregular bleeding and infertility.

3. Abnormal uterine bleeding due to irregular periods

This vaginal bleeding that is different from normal menstrual bleeding. This bleeding, at any time between periods cycle, causes heavy bleeding for longer than normal and continues after menopause.

The reasons may vary from person to person and it requires consulting a doctor. Some of them are serious and some are easily curable, treatment of abnormal bleeding depends on its cause.

When do you want to see a doctor? 

  • If a girl has not started periods since the age of 15
  • If your periods suddenly stop for more than 90 days
  • After a regular menstrual cycle, periods become very irregular.
  • Periods occur more frequently every 21 days or less than every 35 days.
  • Abnormal bleeding lasting more than 7 days.
  • If the blood is heavier than normal, such as a woman using more than 1 pad or tampon every 1 to 2 hours.
  • Unbearable severe pain or cramps during your periods

Best yoga asanas for treating irregular periods 

Yoga is the best option for treating irregular periods. With regular practice of yoga asanas, you can get relief from pain in periods.

These yoga asanas are very effective for improving the function of reproductive organs and regulating the period cycle.

1. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) for the treatment of irregular periods

"Bajra" means Diamond and "Asana" means "sitting" hence it is called Vajrayana. This asana is beneficial for curing digestive problems, acidity, the strength of the pelvic area and urinary problems, it is used to treat irregular periods.

Method of Vajrayana 

1 sit on your heels with feet down on the ground.
2 Place your back on the back and place your hands on your thighs.
3 Now take your breath slowly and deeply and concentrate on your breath for 2-3 minutes.

Avoid this yoga 

Women who have knee problems or have undergone knee surgery should not practice it.
If you feel pain, close the posture and relax.
If you do not feel comfortable sitting on the heels, use a cushion or blanket between the heels and your heel.

2. Butterfly posture for the treatment of irregular periods

This yoga asana is the best way to treat problems of PCOS or irregular periods. The posture resembles the shape of a butterfly and it plays a very important role in promoting fertility and stimulating the abdominal organs.

Regular practice of butterfly posture for a month controls irregular periods, as well as relieves stress, fatigue and anxiety. It treats PCOS naturally. It is also beneficial for pregnant women to reduce the pain of labour.

How to do 

  1.  Sit on the floor with the spine flexing. If you find it difficult to sit, use pillows or blankets.
  2.  Slowly bend your knees, put the hands of the feet on the feet together and bring them closer to your pelvis.
  3.  Try to bend the knees towards the floor, take the help of elbow to press the thigh to bring the knees down towards the floor.
  4. Keep breathing normally and start moving like a butterfly by moving the thighs up and down.
  5. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes.

Avoid this yoga

  • If you are suffering from the knee problem
  • Women should not practice it during this period
  • Sciatica patients should also avoid this yoga

3. Dhanurasana or Dhanush Mudra for the treatment of irregular periods 

To treat delays in periods and PCOs, Dhanurasana Yoga or Dhanush Mudra This is the most effective yoga among all yoga asanas for irregular periods. Dhanurasana is also good for improving flexibility, strengthening back muscles, improving the function of reproductive organs, relieving constipation, treating stomach disorders, and patients with diabetes. Because it stimulates the pancreas to produce enough insulin hormone.

How to do 

  1. Start with your stomach, put your hands next to the body and open the hands above it
  2. touch the chin on the floor and look forward
  3. Keep breathing normally, and bend your knees
  4. now hold Edie
  5. inhale and lift your chest.
  6. Drag your legs backwards and upwards to create a bow shape. Raise your chest and tilt your head as much as possible. Do this condition without exhaling.
  7. Exhale, when the feet and arms are brought down on the floor leaving the feet in this position. Repeat this 3-5 times

Avoid this yoga

In pregnancy, women suffering from a hernia, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, neck injury, headache, migraine, abdominal surgery should not practise this yoga.

4. Bhujangasan or Cobra pose for the treatment of irregular periods

Another most effective yoga exercise for irregular periods and PCOS is Bhujangasana. This asana is a part of Surya Namaskar and regular practice of yoga practice helps to stimulate the abdominal organs, naturally corrects ovarian function as well as PCO problem. It improves digestion, relieves back pain and strengthens the shoulders and lower back, improves blood circulation.

How to do?

1 Lie down on your stomach and place your hands next to the body with palms to touch the ground.
2 Keep your feet straight and the toes should be flat on the ground.
3 Keep your face on the ground and look straight, the chin should touch the ground.
4 Breathe fully and exhale fully.
Inhale deeply and raise the body with the support of the palms. Don't lift your bottom
6 Hold in this position for a few seconds and breathe normally. After a good practice, hold this 

position for a few minutes.
Release this mudra and return to the starting position. Repeat this yoga 10 times every morning.

Avoid this yoga 

  •  Pregnancy
  • Women with severe problems of spinal cord, hernia, stomach ulcers should not practice this yoga.
  • Women related to spinal problems should practice under the guidance of experts.
  • Those who have undergone spinal, heart, lung or abdominal surgery should not practice bhajan asana.
  • If you are a heart patient, avoid it.

5. Paschimottanasana or forward bend pose for the treatment of irregular periods 

Paschimottanasana leans forward which extends fully towards your back as well as strengthens your abdominal organs and improves the function of reproductive organs and treats irregular menstrual pain and periods pain Relieves from

How to do?

  1. Sit up straight, move both your legs forward.
  2. Move slowly and try to touch your forehead till your knees.
  3. Try to touch your toes with 3 hands.
  4. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  5. Leaving this pose, come to the beginning position.
  6.  Repeat this cycle 3-5 times and increase its duration day by day.

Avoid this yoga

If you are suffering from a slipped disc or other spine problem in pregnancy, then Paschimottanasana should not be practised.

6. Deep Breath Yoga for the treatment of irregular periods 

Practising Deep Breath Yoga regularly relieves stress, depression and anxiety which are the most common causes of irregular periods and PCOS.

Long breathing yoga calms your mind, body and soul, boosts your immune system, improves heart, liver, kidney, brain and stomach area and keeps you away from diseases.

The most beneficial deep breathing yogas include Most beneficial deep breathing yoga’s include:
Bhastrika Pranayama

  • Kapalbhati Pranayama (Avoid it in pregnancy as well as during menstruation)
  • Bahri Pranayama
  • Anulom Vilom Pranayama
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Udgeeth Pranayama
  •  Pranav Pranayama

Natural home remedies to avoid period pain 

Irregular menstruation, medically called oligomenorrhea, becomes a common problem for women. The main reason behind this is today's lifestyle such as eating disorders, smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine intake, stress, some medicines and birth control pills.

Some women also have this problem due to sudden weight loss or gain, anaemia, menopause, thyroid disorder, hormonal imbalance, liver disease, tuberculosis, miscarriage, and other health conditions.

Here are some of the most effective home remedies for curing period pain:

Let's know what are the home remedies to get rid of pain during periods.

1. Ginger to avoid period pain

Ginger promotes menstruation and relieves pain in periods. To regulate your menstruation, boil half a teaspoon of fresh ginger in half a cup of water for 5 to 7 minutes. Add a little sugar and drink at least 3 times a day after meals for at least a month.

2. Aloe vera - To avoid the pain of periods

Aloe vera treats irregularities of periods by balancing hormones. For this, take aloe vera leaves and extract aloe vera gel from it. Now mix one spoon of honey in the gel and eat it after breakfast for 3 months.
Avoid this remedy during periods.

3. Cinnamon to avoid period pain

Cinnamon contains hydroxy like that helps regulate insulin levels and has an effect on periods regularity. It provides warning effects within your body and helps reduce cramps in periods. You can add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon to a glass filled with hot milk and drink it. It is also effective in eliminating spasms in periods.

4. To avoid the pain of periods, sesame and jaggery

Sesame seeds help to balance hormones. As they are filled with lignans, which help to bind excess hormones, they also contain essential fatty acids that promote hormone production. Molasses helps in controlling periods due to its hot effects. Grind a handful of sesame seeds and mix the powder with a spoonful of jaggery, take a teaspoon of this powder on an empty stomach in the afternoon or two weeks before your menstruation starts for a few months.

Note: Avoid this remedy during menstruation

5. Raw papaya to avoid period pain

Raw papaya works as a powerful imaging pedagogue and helps in regulating periodic flow as it helps in the contraction of muscle fibres in the uterus. Papaya is particularly useful for irregular menstruation due to stress and menopause.

Note: Do not eat papaya during menstruation

6. Turmeric to avoid period pain

Turmeric is a hot herb which is very helpful in controlling menstruation and balancing hormones. It has emmenagogue properties that encourage the flow of periods and its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties relieve period pain.

How to consume Take one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric with milk, honey or jaggery. Continue this remedy for several weeks or until you see improvement.

Use a quarter teaspoon of turmeric with milk, honey or jaggery. Keep taking it daily until you see improvement.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Treatment of periods pain

March 31, 2020 0
Treatment of periods pain

Treatment of periods pain

Treatment of periods pain
Treatment of periods pain

Menstruation is a natural process that occurs for 3 to 7 days every month for women. Periods start occurring in girls between 11 and 15 years. Sometimes some girls get nervous when they have it for the first time but do not need to panic, it is a normal change, during this time blood flow occurs during this period. Some other problems also have to be faced. Pain during menstruation (menstruation) is common, in which stomach pain is the most common problem during periods.

So women get upset with their problems very quickly. In such a situation, menstrual periods coming every month are unbearable for everyone. Today, women face more pain and discomfort than before. There are many reasons

Why does menstruation cause so much pain? 

Pain in the lower abdomen and groin during periods is a common problem. The cause of this pain is a prostaglandin. It is a type of hormone that comes out of the uterus. This hormone is also active during delivery. Read more - Home remedies to get and stop periods quickly

Prostaglandins are a group of lipids involved in dealing with tissue damage or infection and disease. Also, there is anaemia in the uterus during this period, which causes muscle discomfort. The pain is more in 1-2 days after the beginning of menstruation (menstruation). Some women start feeling pain even before it starts. But, there are some easy ways to get rid of this period of pain.

Remedies for stomach pain in menstruation 

Doctors also allow the use of medicines only in critical condition. What to do in such a situation? Because with pain in menstruation, it becomes almost impossible to work in an office or home. But there are some measures with which you can do all your work and your pain will also disappear. Here we are going to tell you about those measures. So let's know what those remedies are -

Home remedies for menstrual pain

1. Treatment of stomach ache during periods is abated with warm water

Sinai is an effective home remedy for menstrual pain. The contraction of hot water calms the muscles of the uterus. Which gives relief in pain. For this, fill hot water in a rubber bag or a plastic bottle and compress the lower abdomen with it. We can also soak a towel in hot water and compress the painful part. Also read - You will be surprised to know the benefits of drinking hot water

2. Milk intake to reduce menstrual pain

A good amount of calcium is found in it, which helps in reducing the pain occurring these days. In addition, the body also lacks calcium deficiency. For this, you drink milk by heating it slightly.

3. Use cinnamon to reduce menstrual pain

Cinnamon is found in plenty of calcium, iron and fibre, along with it, it has many properties that provide relief in swelling and pain during periods. To get relief from menstrual pain, drink a glass of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of honey and drink it 2-3 times on the first day of menstruation.

4. Consuming turmeric milk to relieve pain in periods

To reduce menstrual pain, drink one teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with one glass of warm milk. Turmeric increases body heat, which relieves problems and pain during periods. Turmeric milk is very beneficial for women who want to live like normal days during periods.

5. Papaya food will relieve pain in periods

Papaya fruit is very effective to relieve stomach pain in periods. This fruit is rich in iron, vitamin A, carotene and calcium, you can consume it to relieve menstrual pain. Many times, stomach pain starts due to not getting blood flow properly. Papaya helps to cure this flow. Which gives relief in pain.

6. Carrot intake will relieve pain in periods

Not only for making pudding, but this vegetable can also help you in curing your pain. According to the gynaecologist, drinking carrot juice during the period helps in the flow of blood, which also gives relief in pain. Also read - Spinach, beet and carrots will keep the body healthy in winter

7. Lavender oil massage will give relief in periods pain

Massaging the abdomen with lavender oil during periods gives great relief. For this, take a little lavender essential oil and massage it for 10 to 15 minutes.

8. Reduce pain in periods with basil

Put a tablespoon of basil leaves in boiling water and keep it well covered. Drink it when it is cold, consume it 3-4 times a day. Tulsi works as an Ayurvedic medicine which helps in reducing pain. Tea made by mixing these leaves helps to relieve pain. The elements present in it work to relax the sore muscles.

9. Ginger and honey give relief from periods of pain

Boil chopped ginger in a cup of water to get relief from pain during menstruation. If you want, you can also add honey to it. After boiling well, sieve and drink. Consuming it 3 times a day after meals will relieve pain.

10. Solve menstrual pain with fennel

Aniseed reduces discomfort and pain by calming the uterine cramps, which does not cause problems in blood flow. Put one spoon of fennel in one cup of boiling water, now let the mixture remain on low flame for 5 minutes. Now cool down and mix one spoon of honey. Drink this herbal tea 2 times a day for the first 2-3 days of periods. There will be relief in pain in a short time.

Precautions and abstinence in menstruation

During menstruation (menstruation), it is important to take special care of cleanliness in caution. At this time, the risk of infection is highest. Therefore, you should keep cleanliness around your secret organs as much as possible. You should drink plenty of water these days, junk food, junk food should not be consumed these days. These include burgers, pasta, cold drinks and wine, etc. Avoid periods.

Exercise to reduce pain in periods

  • Girls who are overweight have trouble with periods. Therefore, make yoga and exercise a part of your daily routine. Women who remain active and fit are also healthy during menstruation.
  • Yoga and exercise improve the blood flow in the body so that the pain in the periods does not increase.
  • If the problem is aggravated, then exercise should not be relaxed.
  • Exercise lightly during periods.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Breast Increase Home Remedies And Tips

March 30, 2020 0
Breast Increase Home Remedies And Tips

Breast Increase Home Remedies And Tips

Breast Increase Home Remedies And Tips
Breast Increase Home Remedies And Tips

Breast is the most important part of the body of women, which adds beauty to their beauty. It is a symbol of femininity, breasts can be of many sizes. Small or big but mostly breasts are small size. Women with oversize breasts look highly attracted and beautiful. And this is why women with small breasts find themselves less attracted to them. If you too are not happy about the size and shape of your breasts, then there is no need to worry. You can take some simple and easy breast enhancement home remedies and tips to increase the size of your breasts right from home.

And you can use them at home to increase the size of your breast. The girls are beautiful and attracted to their tight and high breasts. With the help of breast enhancement home remedy, you can increase the amount of estrogen in your body. The size of your breasts will also increase and you will be able to attract and make your body beautiful too. Today's article will give information about natural methods and home remedies to increase the size of some such breasts.

Due to small breasts

The size of the breast depends on the estrogen hormone present in your body, if your body is deficient in estrogen hormone then the breast size will also be small. Apart from this, breast size may be small due to the following reasons
  • Any imbalance in hormones
  • Vitamin deficiency in the body
  • Live in more stress and anxiety
  • A nutritious diet and nutritional deficiency in food
  • Lack of sex hormones in teenage
  • Thyroid or any other disease

Breast augmentation home remedies

Spending a lot of money to enlarge small breasts and using Breast Enlargement Product also does not give the desired results. Here are some home remedies and ways to increase breast that you can prepare and use in your home.

Increase the size of breasts by the use of flaxseed seeds

Flax seeds will help increase the size of your breasts, make a wider of these flax seeds and keep this powder in a tight container and take one spoon of powder daily in the morning or afternoon before eating and one spoon of flax seeds Take powder before bed at night and drink a glass of water later. You can also take milk if you want. Or you can eat it by mixing it in flour and making loaves of it, it will also remove the looseness of your breasts.

Soybean or soy milk are home remedies to increase breast

As you know that the size of the breasts in your body increases or decreases due to the estrogen hormone present in your body if the estrogen level is more or less in your body then stabilize the estrogen hormone then your breast size will be very beautiful. Soybean or soy milk increases the estrogen hormone in your body, if you want to increase the size of your breasts, then you can use soybean or soy milk regularly.

Fenugreek is the home remedy to increase breast

Fenugreek seeds are a very useful herb that is also useful to increase the size of the breast of women, take two spoons of fenugreek seeds powder before bed at night, mix it well in water and make a paste and make it Apply the paste on your breasts and what is the way to apply it? You apply this paste (paste) from top to bottom and round and massage with light hands, after 10 minutes after massaging, wash your breasts with water, you can do this twice a day and also at night. Drink one spoon fenugreek seeds powder mixed with milk before sleeping, this will definitely increase the size of your breasts.

Asparagus powder is a simple way to increase the size of the breast.

Asparagus has many benefits for the female reproductive system. It purifies, nourishes and supports the smooth functioning of various organs of the female reproductive system.

In addition, it has amazing hormone balancing properties. Its other benefits include improving the immunity of the body, better digestive system and relieving stress and anxiety.

A research paper with the title "A Solution Asparagus for Various Women's Health Problems": - Published in March 2016 in the World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, suggesting asparagus as one of the most useful herbal supplements for women Gone.

Regular intake of asparagus will definitely help you in increasing your breasts. The right way to take it is beneficial to take 3 grams asparagus root powder in a cup of milk before bedtime. You should consume it daily for about 2-3 months. This will make you see a difference in your breasts.

Radish is a home remedy to increase breast

Radish is known to boost the blood flow of the breasts, this vegetable will also help to increase the size of your breasts, due to which the size of your breasts also starts to increase, so be sure to include radish in your daily salad.

Fennel in home remedies to increase breast size 

Fennel increases the amount of estrogen in your body. Fennel seeds can also be used to increase breast size. So eat one teaspoon of fennel every day. Apart from this, there are many other things. To use fennel seeds, heat fennel seeds in cod liver oil until the oil turns red. After cooling it, massage your breasts with this oil for 15 minutes and wash it after one hour. Repeat this remedy twice a day. Apart from this, you can take sev, watermelon, figs, almonds, cashew, carrot, cucumber, cucumber etc. with the radish.

Olive oil - home remedy to increase breast

If you wish, you can use olive oil i.e. olive oil to get a quick effect, massage your breasts with olive oil properly and repeat this process every morning and evening in the morning and apply olive oil on your breasts. Apply well below. Take a few drops in your hand before massaging with this oil and rub both your hands together to warm them slightly. After this, massage your breasts thoroughly twice a day for about 10 to 15 minutes. You will feel the difference in the size of your breasts very soon and by using it regularly, you will make your breasts beautiful and big.

Onion juice is a home remedy to increase breast

Onion juice helps in boosting the breasts. Mix two spoons of onion and one spoon of turmeric and one spoon of honey and make a paste. Apply it well on your breasts before sleeping at night and apply it on all the breasts. Take Ratabha and apply this paste and wash your breasts as soon as you wake up in the morning, this is one of the effective recipes of home remedy to increase breast milk.

Exercise to increase breast 

Exercises have proved to be the most useful in gaining shapely and large breasts. You can do push-ups, wall press, etc. to increase the breast. Exercise regularly, for this you will have to do push-ups every day from regular time. If you do not exercise at certain and regular times then you will not benefit from this and do push-ups at least 15 times each time.

Breast Enhancement Home Remedies Push-ups With The Wall

By doing these exercises, they will also eliminate the loosening present in them and your breasts will become curvy and attractive. Exercises that can help you enlarge and beautify your small breasts. These exercises also include activities of the arms and shoulders. That tones the skin and muscle tissue around the breast area. This will strengthen your breasts and make them look bigger. First of all, you put both hands on the wall problem wall and push it, that is, put your hands on the wall and move your body up and down.

And by pushing up on the wall, the size of your breasts will increase. You can also increase the size of your breasts with common stretching. You stretch both your hands and wave them in the clock and anti-clockwise in the same way. It will grow and it will make your breasts rise upwards, this is a very effective exercise, do it regularly too and if you want, you can do yoga as well because yoga is all It is helpful in getting rid of types of problems.

Common tips for increasing breast size 

To do push-ups, lie down on the ground on the stomach, then keep the weight of your body on hands and knees, for this you have to lift your body up, i.e. keep the waist straight. And bring your chest closer to the floor and keep doing it up and down and this process is called pushup. Apply almond oil well on your breasts every night before sleeping.

Increase the size of breasts by consuming nutritious food 

Eat on time, that is, make regular time and eat at the same time and keep in mind that food should be positive. Eat green vegetables and sprouted grains, include beans, peas and soybeans in your every day. This is the most important in-home remedy to increase your breast, nutritious food will help in the emergence and development of breasts. Take vitamin-rich food, it will increase the size of your breast even more and for some time you will see the difference in the size of your breasts. o increase blood and iron in the body, you can make dates, beets, raisins, spinach, cabbage, cabbage, turnips, and sweet potatoes. do eat.

To ensure that your period is normal because irregular periods also cause problems in the development of breasts. Massage your breasts well every day. Stay stress-free, that is, do not be under too much stress because being under stress on your whole body. have an impact on. And this stops the development of your body, which stops the growth of all the organs of the body and do not say fast food in the daily food, because eating fast-food also has a lot of effect in the body.

These are some breast enhancement home remedies that you can easily use. One thing you need to know before starting the home remedies to increase the size of small breasts is that the process of increasing the size of the breast may not happen overnight. It requires a lot of time and labour.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Periods: Medications & home remedies to bring & prevent periods

March 29, 2020 0
Periods: Medications & home remedies to bring & prevent periods



In this article, we are going to explain in detail what treatment you can do before or after menstruation. Learn about home remedies for the early period and preventing period. Women have to face menstruation every month. After the age of about 50, women stop having Menstrual. The duration of the cycle is usually 28 to 35 days.

Periods are not becoming regular

But sometimes women have premature or later Menstrual. The problem of the absence of regular Menstrual is also called oligomenorrhea. Hormone imbalance is the biggest reason behind the period not being regular. But due to an unhealthy lifestyle, weight loss, hemoglobin deficiency, and extreme stress. Menstrual is not regular.

Using certain foods and medicines can affect the duration of the cycle, causing you to have Menstrual earlier or later. Let's know about how to get and stop menstruation early.

Home remedies to bring periods quickly

  • Papaya is a home remedy to bring menstruation early.
  • Ginger is a home remedy to get periods quickly.
  • Pomegranate is a home remedy to get periods early.
  • Orange is a way to get periods early.
  • Coriander is a way to bring menstruation early.

Home remedies to prevent periods

  • Apple vinegar is a remedy to prevent periods.
  • Home remedy to stop periods is gram dal.
  • Cucumber is a home remedy to stop menstruation.
  • Watermelon is a way to increase the date of the period.

Home remedies to bring periods quickly

Papaya is a home remedy to get menstruation early

Papaya is a useful home remedy that is beneficial to bring before time. It stimulates pregnancy and increases blood circulation, which can lead to early menstruation. For this, a bowl of hot water and papaya should be consumed continuously for a few days.

Ginger is the home remedy to bring periods quickly

Ginger increases blood circulation and its effect is warm. Therefore, the consumption of ginger encourages conception and the period comes early. For this, take ginger with honey on an empty stomach, it is beneficial to do it on an empty stomach for a week.

Pomegranate is a home remedy to get periods early

Menstruation does not come due to a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. The intake of pomegranate increases the level of hemoglobin. And due to an increase in blood, menstruation comes on time. Therefore, one should drink 3 glasses of pomegranate juice daily. Pomegranate juice is beneficial during the onset of Menstrual.

Orange is a way to get periods early

Oranges contain vitamin C which increases estrogen levels in the body. Bleeding occurs rapidly in pregnancy due to hormones being stimulated, so eating oranges causes Menstrual early. Oranges can be used to get Menstrual early.

Coriander is a way to bring menstruation early

Coriander increases blood flow during Menstrual. Due to the stimulant properties present in it, it is beneficial to use it to bring Menstrual quickly. For this, boil 2 tablespoons coriander seeds in two cups of water, and then sieve the water and consume it like tea. The use of coriander is beneficial in a way to bring menstruation early.

Home remedies to prevent periods

It is not possible to stop menstruation forever. But if you want to prevent Menstrual from coming, then some home remedies can help you. Let's know about the solution to stop Menstrual.

Apple vinegar is a remedy to prevent periods

Apple vinegar slows blood circulation which can prevent Menstrual for a few days. Mixing 3 tablespoons of apple vinegar in a glass of warm water for a week and drinking three times a day is beneficial.

Chana dal is a home remedy to stop periods

Traditionally, the intake of gram lentils is useful for delaying Menstrual. For this, Menstrual is delayed by taking gram dal powder hot for a week on an empty stomach in the morning with an empty stomach.

Cucumber is a home remedy to stop menstruation

Cold foods help to delay Menstrual. Cucumber keeps the body cool and slows blood flow thus delaying Menstrual. So eat cucumber and drink cucumber water which is beneficial.

Watermelon is a way to increase the date of the period

Watermelon has cooling properties. Therefore, Menstrual consumption of watermelon comes late and it is beneficial for the body.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.

  • Menstrual greater than seven days.
  • Unbearable pain and discomfort increases.
  • Sudden menstruation
  • Need to change pads every hour even in the last days of menstruation.
  • Menstrual before 21 days.
  • Sudden bleeding between 2 Menstrual.
  • Menstrual not begin until the age of 16.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Vaginal Odour: Five natural ways to get rid of vaginal odour

March 26, 2020 0
Vaginal Odour: Five natural ways to get rid of vaginal odour

Five Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odour

Vaginal Odour
Vaginal Odour

Women often have a bad smell from their vagina due to non-cleaning or any other reason. Although the to come to unusual odour from your vagina over time is normal, but you worry constantly or faster to funk. Because to ignore it, you can have many serious diseases. Vaginal odour may irritate the vagina regular use of deodorant and vaginal infections to remove. You can get relief from vaginal odour by following some home remedies. Here are some natural methods that can help you get rid of vaginal odour.

Tea tree oil

The antifungal and antiseptic properties of tea tree oil help in getting rid of unpleasant odour and bacteria coming naturally from the vagina. Put three to four drops of tea tree essential oil in a cup of warm water and apply it on the affected area. Daily follow it for a week to get rid of the smell of the vagina.


Yoghurt than you can get rid of the smell of the vagina. Yoghurt contains good bacteria which helps fight Candida infection, one of the most common causes of vaginal odour, which maintains a normal vaginal pH level. Take two cups daily of plain yoghurt to get rid of the smell of the vagina. Also, lean the vagina with curd.


Amla acts as a natural blood purifier and Organic Cleanser. It can contribute to any help from a vaginal infection that unpleasant odour. Included Amla in your daily diet or add amla powder in your food.

Azadirachta indica

Due to its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, neem can help fight vaginal infections. After you boil a handful of neem leaves in a cup of water, cool. To get rid of vaginal odour, wash the vaginal area daily with this neem water for at least weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties in apple cider vinegar fight against the toxins and bacteria that cause vaginal odour. Also, it helps to rebalance the pH of the vagina and restore. Mix two cups of ACV in a bathtub filled with warm water to remove vaginal odour. Let it sit for about 15-20 minutes.

Plentiful water Sip

The easiest way to remove the vaginal odour is to drink as much water as possible. The more you drink water, the more your body will detox, which will remove the bad odour coming from the vagina.