Role of estrogen hormone in women's body - simple health tips

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Role of estrogen hormone in women's body

Role of estrogen hormone in women's body

Role of estrogen hormone in women's body
Role of estrogen hormone in women's body

Estrogen, also known as a sex hormone, is found in both men and women. The role of estrogen hormones is greater in women because women need more estrogen than men. And estrogen hormone is necessary for growth. Estrogen hormone plays a big role in the physiological changes of women. Is. Estrogen levels can vary in every woman. Today we will learn in this article what is the role of estrogen hormone in the body of women and what is the importance of estrogen in the body of women and changes due to lack or excess of estrogen How are the effects of the woman's body visible on all these, we are going to discuss today

Role of estrogen hormone in women's body development

Estrogen is important for reproduction and sexual development in women, hence it is called female sex hormone. Estrogen plays the main role in the physiological changes of women, that is why it is also called female growth hormone.

The following changes are seen in women due to estrogen

Girls developing breasts
Start of the menstrual cycle
Hair growth in the genitals

Experts believe that estrogen not only helps in the development of vaginal organs but also affects other parts of the body, such as metabolism. This hormone plays a very important role during pregnancy.

Estrogen production

The production of estrogen hormone in the body of women is mainly in the ovaries, as well as by the adrenal gland and in some amount by the fetus and placenta.

Benefits of estrogen hormone

  • Estrogen acts to control menstruation in women. If a woman's eggs are not fertilized, estrogen levels decrease rapidly and menstruation begins.
  • If a woman's eggs are fertilized, progesterone, which is another hormone, works together to prevent estrogen ovulation during pregnancy.
  • Cervical estrogen during pregnancy produces particularly steroid hormones. Estrogen is necessary for breastfeeding and other types of changes in the breasts.
  • Estrogen acts effectively with vitamin D calcium and other hormones that aid in the body's natural processes and bone reconstruction. Estrogen levels begin to decline with middle age and slow down bone formation. Due to which the bones of women start becoming weak. That is why it is possible for women to suffer from osteoporosis. Offset is 4 times more than men
  • Estrogen plays a major role in the formation of blood clots in the body, as well as the thickness of the vaginal wall, the level of the urinary tract, along with the smoothness of the vagina, and other physiological functions.
  • A German study has found that when a woman has high estrogen levels, she looks younger in age. This is because estrogen thickens the skin by increasing collagen levels. This results in reduced wrinkles. Which makes that woman look younger and more attractive.
  • Estrogen hormone is also important in men. In men, estrogen is secreted by the adrenal glands and by the testes. In men, estrogen affects sperm count.

Apart from this, estrogen also has the following benefits

Estrogen acts to increase sex drive
Prevents infection and inflammation
Acts to reduce stress
Prevents threats like breast cancer
Works to strengthen bones
Works to brighten hair and skin

Test for the hormone estrogen

Estrogen is determined in a woman's blood on an empty stomach. Sex, exercise and stress, alcohol and smoking are excluded before the analysis. This analysis is performed 7 days after ovulation (21–22 days of the cycle).

Estrogen hormone levels in women and men

In women of childbearing age, estrogen levels should not exceed 13–191 pg (picogram) / mL;
Estrogen levels in women 11–95 pg / mL in the menopausal period;
In children under 11, their level is <15 pg / ml;
And in men - 0-36 pg / ml

Or you can understand it like this-

20- 29 years 149 picogram
30-39 years 210 picograms
40- 49 years 152 picograms
50- 59 years 130 picograms

Changes in estrogen hormone levels in the body

Changes in estrogen hormone levels in a woman's body can occur many times in different stages. For example, estrogen levels are naturally higher during pregnancy and during pregnancy. Early periods of partner menopause and menstruation stop. Lasts until after which there is a decrease in estrogen hormone
  • Estrogen deficiency symptoms -
  • Sudden heat and perspiration
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Experiencing pain during sex due to the lack of vaginal lubrication.
  • Mood changes
  • Change in cholesterol level
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Headache or Migraine
  • depression and anxiety
  • Pain during sexual intercourse,
  • Change in libido
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vaginal infection or urinary tract infection
  • Menopause
  • Osteoporosis develops
  • Difficulty concentrating etc.
The main reasons for low estrogen levels in women include underdeveloped reproductive glands, which include reduced ovary development and polycystic ovarian syndrome, in addition to a lack of food habits, affecting the production of adequate estrogen in women as well Excessive exercise may also cause a decrease in estrogen levels

Increased estrogen level in women's body

As we told you that the decrease and increase in estrogen levels can occur at different stages in the body of a woman, even if the estrogen level is high, there can be many problems and risks including problems like breast cancer. Let's know what are the main symptoms of increased estrogen level in the body

Symptoms of increasing estrogen level in the body

  • Increased levels and swelling of the breasts
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • gaining weight
  • Change in nature
  • Irregularities in periods
  • Hair fall
  • Flatulence
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Lump in the breast
  • Not feeling sleepy
  • Loss of libido
  • Problems like headaches and migraine etc.

How to increase estrogen hormone in a woman

If you want to increase the essential female hormone estrogen without the use of drugs, then you should know how to eat properly. Estrogen levels are affected by vitamin E deficiency, so you should know that vitamins in your diet E Contain adequate levels of estrogen Soy butter beans Meat dairy products Tofu, carrots, cauliflower, red grapes, pumpkin, coffee, tomatoes, brinjal, Iyer is affected by the products these drugs can put the right amount of the right level to estrogen hormones

A balanced diet should be consumed to keep the amount of estrogen in the body balanced. Here we will discuss some selected foods, which will help you to increase estrogen hormone.

Estrogen hormone-rich vegetables and legumes

Women can consume many types of fruits and vegetables to increase the level of estrogen hormones in their body. Let's know about some such diets.

Flax seeds

Linseed seeds prove to be very helpful in increasing the estrogen level. Its intake is also very good for the liver. Flaxseed seeds contain healthy fatty acids, which keep you away from heart-related problems. In addition, flaxseed contains vitamin B1, fibre and other nutrients, which help in rich growth.

Soya Products

Phytoestrogen is found in abundance in soybean. The intake of soy products like soy milk, soy curd, etc. can increase the amount of estrogen in the body.


The benefits of eating walnuts are many. It contains plenty of protein, essential vitamins and other nutrients, which are very beneficial for good health.

Dairy Products

Dairy products such as milk, curd, ghee, butter, etc. are considered very good for the human body. Since milk contains high amounts of phytoestrogens, it helps to increase estrogen levels.

Sesame seeds

Sesame is a good source of estrogen. 100 grams of sesame seeds contain 993 micrograms of estrogen. Sesame oil also contains high amounts of estrogen.

Beans and Peas

Phytoestrogens are also found abundantly in beans and peas. These are an excellent diet for health.

Medications for estrogen hormones

Estrogen hormone Estrogen is most commonly found in oral contraceptive pills. Estrogen helps prevent ovulation during pregnancy, so this hormone is used to prevent ovulation by increasing estrogen levels in birth control pills.

The actual amount of estrogen depends on the severity of the disease and the method of dosage. Estrogen can be transported in the body in the following ways:
By mouth (Orally)
Vaginally (Vaginally)
Through injection
Use of vaginal estrogen cream - Some women benefit most from the use of vaginal estrogen cream. Vaginal estrogen creams are absorbed into the bloodstream via the vagina, and oral estrogen drugs are generally available with fewer side effects. These creams are available only with a prescription. Vaginal estrogen cream should be used under the supervision of your doctor.

Vaginal estrogen cream may cause the following symptoms:

If suffering from vaginal dryness and itching (home remedies for causing and eliminating vaginal dryness)
Vulva pain, vulvar itching, or redness
You feel pain when urinating
Have urinary tract infection, or frequent urination problem
To avoid problems like pain during sexual intercourse

In some cases, long-term treatment is required even when estrogen levels are normal.

Hormone replacement therapy

This type of treatment is used to reduce the symptoms of menopause. This type of therapy is used to maintain high levels of estrogen in the body when estrogen levels are low in women between 25 and 50 years old. is

This therapy reduces the risk of heart damage and other types of hormonal imbalances.

This therapy is mainly used to treat vaginal dryness, thinning of the vaginal wall and postmenopausal problems due to estrogen deficiency in women.

Estrogen hormone side effects

While estrogen has many benefits, it also has some disadvantages, for example, increasing estrogen levels can increase the risk of injury.

Studies related to breast cancer have shown that breast cancer has been found to be sensitive to estrogen (breast cancer causes, symptoms and methods of prevention).

Which means that estrogen increases the growth of tumours in which the main estrogen cancer is called hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.

People with this cancer treatment are used to help prevent cancer or slow the development of cancer after surgery to block low levels of estrogen or estrogen production.

In addition, a decrease in estrogen levels in women can also cause infertility.

Estrogen hormones also have a major role in bone development. Deficiency of estrogen hormone affects the growth of bones causing a disease called osteoporosis.

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