simple health tips

Friday, July 3, 2020

Menstrual cup help you get pregnant. how to use the menstrual cup

July 03, 2020 0
Menstrual cup help you get pregnant. how to use the menstrual cup

Menstrual cup
Menstrual cup

Menstrual cup help you get pregnant. how to use the menstrual cup. The experience of becoming a mother is the most unique experience for any woman. But it is not easy for some women to conceive. They have to struggle a lot to find the joy of pregnancy. In such a situation women adopt various measures so that they can conceive.

It must also be hard to get pregnant. Women lift their legs in the air immediately after having a physical relationship. Or eat pineapple. There are many tips and tricks that she does to improve her chances of pregnancy. But according to some women. The menstrual cup is proving helpful in increasing the chances of pregnancy. Know when and how to use the menstrual cup to become pregnant and how it works.

How does conception happen

To become pregnant, there are several steps:

Ovulation - During the menstrual cycle. Eggs mature inside the ovaries due to hormones and release an egg from the ovaries. This is known as ovulation. Once the egg is released. It moves into the fallopian tube. If the egg is not fertilized within 24 hours, it begins to decompose and menstruation begins two weeks later.

Fertilization - The mature egg is fertilized when a sperm attaches to the egg. This usually occurs when unprotected intercourse occurs and the ejaculate ejaculates inside the male vagina. Semen contains sperm that pass from the vagina through the cervix and uterus into the fallopian tube.

Implantation - Eggs are usually fertilized by sperm. When they are in the Fallopian tube. Once fertilized, the egg reaches the uterus, where it attaches to the lining of the uterus and pregnancy begins.

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When is a menstrual cup used?

By now you must have used the menstrual cup during your periods. Women use a menstrual cup in place of tampons or sanitary pads. But now it is becoming popular among women who want to conceive.

How does pregnancy help with pregnancy cup?

How does conceiving with a menstrual cup help? Cups are made of silicone or latex. Which are set in your vagina in such a way that blood gets stored in the Period.  When women seeking pregnancy use it, the sperm has only one way to reach its goal. The sperm moves upward into the right Fallopian tube. Where it meets the egg. And its remedy increases the chances of conception.

When and how to use the menstrual cup

When and how to use the menstrual cup to increase your chances of getting pregnant? If you are thinking of raising your family. But there is no success in conceiving. So this trick can help you get pregnant early. Under this measure, immediately after ejaculate ejaculation of the partner, apply a menstrual cup.

You can also adopt another solution. For this, ask your partner for the pull-out method and collect the sperm in the menstrual cup by ejaculating, immediately after that you place the menstrual cup in its place. With this solution, it will be easy for the sperm to swim to their assigned location. 

Keep this in mind after applying the menstrual cup

Follow all guidelines related to the use of a menstrual cup. Do not keep it for more than 12 hours. Otherwise, the pH level of the vagina may deteriorate. And yeast infections can also occur.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

What is Banyan tree - Where is the world's largest Banyan tree

June 25, 2020 0
What is Banyan tree - Where is the world's largest Banyan tree
What is Banyan tree - Where is the world
What is Banyan tree - Where is the world's largest Banyan tree

Banyan Tree

Where is the world's largest Banyan tree?  Banyan is a large multi-year tree. This tree is also called 'Vat' and 'Bad'. It is a terrestrial dicotyledonous and flowering tree. The stem of the banyan is straight and hard. Banyan branches get stuck in the air and hang in the air and enter the growing earth and become pillars.

These roots are called Baroh or Prap root. The banyan fruit is small, circular and red in colour. The seed is also found in it. The banyan seed is very small, but its tree is very large. Banyan leaf is broad and almost elliptical. Breaking of its leaves, branches and buds produces milk-like juice called latex acid.

Religious significance

The banyan tree is very important in Hinduism. Banyan (vat), like the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, is considered. It is believed that by worshipping the banyan and giving water to its root, one attains virtue. The banyan (vat), the tree symbolizes the trinity. Is believed to be Vishnu in the bark of the banyan, Brahma in the banyan root and Shiva in the banyan branches.

Just as the Peepal is considered a symbol of Vishnu, so the banyan is considered as Shiva. Vatavriksha is also worshipped in many fasts and festivals.

The intended people of children do special worship of it. Banyan symbolizes the creation of nature, Banyan lives for a long time, it is also called "Akshayavat".

Scientific significance

The scientific and unique importance of the Banyan tree.

Banyan shadow directly affects the mind and keeps the mind calm.

Banyan tree remains green even in times of famine. So at this time, it is easy to feed animals on its leaves and people on its fruits.

- The milk produced from the branches and leaves of the banyan tree has a tantric use.

- Medicines are also made from the bark and leaves of the banyan.

Where is the world's largest banyan tree

The Great Vest Tree

Like millions of banyan trees are still left in the world. Millions of banyan trees are still left among them, in many thousands of old banyans. Ujjain's provenance in India, Prayag's Akshyavat, Mathura-Vrindavan's Vanshivat, Gaya's Gavant, Panchavati ( Nashik) is considered to be the main five. But apart from this, there are many giant Vat trees found in India. One of them is 'The Great Vest Tree'.

On seeing this giant tree for the first time. It is understandable that it is a small forest in which thousands of similar trees are grown. But after looking closely, it is understandable that it is a single tree. Whose roots and stems have spread all around.

India has the world's largest banyan tree

You will be surprised to know that the world's largest banyan tree is in India. Thousands of tourists from every country and abroad come to see this banyan.

This banyan tree is in Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden, Kolkata. When the Botanical Garden was established in the year 1787, the age of this banyan was from 15 to 20 years. In this context, the age of this banyan today is more than 250 years.

If you look at this banyan from a distance, it looks like a forest. In fact, the pots from the branches of the banyan tree continued to move down the ground in search of water. Which later began to water and support the tree root.

Scientists believe that this banyan is the widest tree in the world. which is spread over about 14,500 square meters. More than 3,372 roots of this banyan have gathered. The most pleasant is that it is also a relaxed house of 87 different species of Banyan birds.

The Great Vest Tree volume

The circumference of the original stem is 1.7 m from the ground. 16.5 m at a height of was. Currently, it is about 18.918 sq.m. Spread over an area of. The circumference of the tree is about 486 m. Its highest branch is long 24 m. The total number of column roots currently reaching the ground is 3,772.

The two cyclonic storms that occurred in the years 1884 and 1987 had damaged the banyan considerably. In the year 1925, the main branch of this huge banyan got fungus. After which the main branch had to be cut down, but even after facing so much. This banyan today stands firmly and steadfastly in its place. It is definitely mentioned in some travelogues of the 19th century.

Given its splendour, its name is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records. In honour of this huge banyan, the Government of India issued a stamp in 1987. And is also a symbol of the Banyan Botanical Survey of India.

As far as a possible, plant Banyan tree.

Monday, May 25, 2020

What is a tree, what is the importance of trees in our life?

May 25, 2020 2
What is a tree, what is the importance of trees in our life?

What is a tree
What is a tree

What is a tree?

All plants are tree and carry out the life processes that all plants share. However, trees are not really their own scientific group. The tree can be cone-shaped plants (gymnosperms), flowering plants (angiosperms), or ferns.

All plant groups that include trees are vascular plants. This means that they have vascular tissues called xylem and phloem. Xylem and phloem unite all parts of the plant, transporting water, minerals, and manufactured food while being part of the structural support for plants.

What is the importance of trees in our life?

Trees are a precious gift of nature. And that is why trees have been worshipped in India since ancient times. This practise continues even today. The tree is an integral friend of our supremely selfless helper. Trees are highly valued in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.

Without trees, most creatures cannot be imagined. Tree covered mountains, trees, gardens filled with fruits. And flowers offer breathtaking views and provide peace of mind. There are many benefits from trees, such as during their feeding process, trees take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. Which makes life possible for many organisms.

Benefits of tree

We get wood, grass, gum, resins, rubber, fibre, silk, tannin, latex, bone, bamboo, cane, catechu, betel nut, oil, dyes, fruits, flowers, seeds and medicines from trees. Trees act to purify the environment and remove pollution. Eliminate noise pollution. They act as wind blockers and thus reduce the damage caused by storms. The root of the tree holds the soil firmly, preventing soil erosion.

Otherwise, the soil from the mountains flows into the plains and there it accumulates in the surface of the rivers.  And reduces the depth of the rivers, as a result, there is an early flood due to excess rainfall in the plains.

What are the advantages of the tree?

Tree block rainwater and keep the environment moist. Trees prevent rainwater from flowing rapidly so that the water reaches the bottom of the earth and raises the groundwater level. Tree protect organisms from the heat of the sun. Many creatures find refuge in its lap and nourish it with its fruits, flowers, roots, stems and leaves.

Along with the protection of trees, the environment is protected, its essential balance also remains. In today's modern era, the use of trees has increased due to urbanization and industrialization.

Use of tree

Today, trees are used in the construction of energy, fuel sources in buildings, bridges, railways and decoration in the agricultural world.

As modern civilization developed, along with its man's desires, and greed got expanded. The fulfilment of their greed and selfishness and wealth attracted human attention towards the forests. And the selfish man started to wipe out his supremely beneficial trees.

As a result, the forests were cut down and the Lush green mountains became naked. As a result, many florae, medicinal plants wither away and begin to fade from the root. At the same time, many species of animals and birds, species became extinct after not being able to stay where they were.

Tree cutting losses

When a tree is cut, it is not only the tree that is cut. All the things it gets and the vegetation, herbs, medicinal elements, animal birds, insects and insects that grow on it are dead.

The root cause of tree cutting

Rising population, urbanization and industrialization are the root cause of indiscriminate cutting of trees. Human needs have increased because of the above problems. Today the environment has been threatened by the acts of selfish human beings. If special attention is not paid to this in time, then in the coming time

1. Lack of all the things obtained from trees
2. Flood
3. Soil
4. Pollution
5. Increase in temperature
6. Dry
7. Turning all the land into desert
8. Uncontrolled Rain
9. Water crisis
10. Submerged seaside areas due to the melting of polar ice
11. Life crisis
12. Diseases

And many other problems will come up. Therefore, it would be fair to say

The root
Not helpless
There was confusion
Human's broken!

The tree is a very important part of the environment. 

The unsafe environment can prove fatal for all living organisms on earth. Therefore, it is necessary to make the environment balanced and safe.

The green forests are proof that there is a mutual synergy between the climatic soil and all the living animals there and they are living naturally. Human beings have been doing the work of spoiling this rhythm. He has not only done injustice to the animals but has also unknowingly hurt himself.

It is a matter of happiness that today the work of forest conservation is being done by scientists, government and voluntary organizations. Therefore, it is hoped that they will be overcome before the situation worsens further.