simple health tips: Yoga
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoga. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ways To Gain Weight Through Yoga

April 15, 2020 0
Ways To Gain Weight Through Yoga

Ways To Gain Weight Through Yoga

Ways To Gain Weight Through Yoga
Ways To Gain Weight Through Yoga

If you are also troubled by your leanness and have seen all the measures, yet your leanness is not going, then you will definitely find that the support of yoga will work, you must have noticed that lean skinny people are very much to gain weight Remain upset Even after several attempts, the results are not desired. Then yoga remains the best way to gain weight.

Yoga can increase weight without facing any side effects. Along with doing yoga, you should also eat nutritious foods. So that you get good results

Ways To Increase Weight By Yoga

Doing yoga early in the morning is beneficial. But if you are going to do yoga for the first time, then do yoga under the supervision of a Yogacharya.

Sarvangasana To Gain Weight

To increase weight quickly, do Sarvangasana Yoga. In this asana, the feet have to be raised on the ground, while the shoulders and neck remain down. By doing this, blood circulation in the body is good, food is digested properly and hunger increases.

Surya Namaskar To Gain Weight

Morning sun salutation brings energy to the body and keeps it fit. This yoga is very effective for weight gain. For Surya Namaskar, first of all, stand up straight and join both hands and come to the posture of salutation. Try to touch the feet with hands while bending the body slowly.

Return to the previous position. Now, with one leg back, take the other leg forward and bend the knee. Stay in this posture for a while.

Surya Namaskar has more effect on the shoulders and chest. All 12 postures of this yoga should be given 5-5 seconds in the room to increase weight.

Shavasan To Gain Weight

This yoga is very easy. Lie straight on the ground. Close your eyes and leave your hands and feet loose. With this easy body gets to rest and weight also increases.

Bhujangasana To Gain Weight

Lie flat on your stomach. Keep your hands out. With your hands, raise your neck and chest slowly. This yoga is very beneficial for weight gain.

Matsyasana To gain weight

This yoga gives miraculous benefits to people suffering from the loss of appetite. The posture of this asana creates a fish-like shape, which is why it is called matsayasana. By doing this yoga, the intestines and muscles of the stomach are strengthened and the digestive power improves. Due to which hunger increases and we do not have any stomach disease.

Headstand To Increase Weight

Girls who want to gain weight must do a headstand. This posture makes muscles strong and flexible. It keeps the digestive system active.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

April 14, 2020 0
Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

It is believed that behind the navel there is a muscle cluster which is the central point of the human body which is also known as the second brain and it is related to the sun. This is the reason why people perform Surya Namaskar posture for various benefits. Let us know what are the benefits of performing Surya Namaskar.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar In Improving Blood Circulation

During the posture of Surya Namaskar, breathing and exhaling gives sufficient air to the lungs and serves to deliver more oxygen to the blood. This process brings out the toxins of the body and the body gets rid of harmful gases and excessive carbon dioxide and improves blood circulation.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar In Weight Loss

The entire process of Surya Namaskar is the exercise of the heart. It produces tension and tension in the abdominal muscles simultaneously, which reduces excess fat around the abdomen.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar In Regularizing Menstruation

If your menstrual period is irregular, then by doing this asana daily, the irregularity in menstruation is eliminated and the ability of reproduction also improves.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Skin and Hair

If you do Surya Namaskar posture every day, you will always look young. This asana keeps blood circulation better, which enhances the face and removes wrinkles. Apart from this, this asana is also beneficial in removing the problem of hair breakage.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar In Improving Your Memory

Surya Namaskar maintains the nervous system and strengthens memory. This asana makes the endocrine and thyroid glands more active and keeps the mind calm by removing anxiety and tension. Apart from this, this asana also helps in getting more autism.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar To Improve Digestion

In this posture, the muscles of the arms and shoulders are optimally exercised. This asana also improves digestion and helps to make the hips flexible.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar In Reducing Calories

If you do Surya Namaskar at home every day, this asana helps a lot in reducing calories. 30 minutes of Surya Namaskar reduces about 417 calories and this is also true. Therefore, this asana is best for people suffering from obesity.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Children 

Performing Surya Namaskar keeps the mind calm and increases concentration. In today's time, children are facing stiff competition in every task, so by doing Surya Namaskar every day, they increase their stamina and reduce anxiety and discomfort in examinations.
Daily practice of Surya Namaskar increases strength and ooze in the body. It is the best exercise for muscles. All children older than 5 years of age can practise Surya Namaskar.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Women

This is nothing less than a boon for health-conscious women. With this, you not only reduce the extra calories, but you can get relief from the expenses of the stomach muscles without spending anything. Surya Namaskar stimulates some of our glands, such as the thyroid gland, etc. This asana helps us reduce the excess abdominal fat by increasing the secretion of the hormone. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar is beneficial in removing the irregularity of menstrual women and also makes childbirth easier. It also helps in improving the face, prevents wrinkles from coming on the face.

Precautions While Doing Surya Namaskar

If you are suffering from high blood pressure problem then you should not do Surya Namaskar posture.
Individuals suffering from coronary artery disease, stroke, hernia and intestinal tuberculosis should also avoid doing Surya Namaskar posture.
Women should not do Surya Namaskar posture during menstruation.

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Way of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

April 13, 2020 0
The Way of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The Way of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The Way of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
The Way of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Surya Namaskar means to greet the sun. It consists of several asanas to form an asana which is the best way to keep the body and mind healthy. In this article, you will know what is Surya Namaskar, the science behind Surya Namaskar and what are the benefits of Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar is composed of two Sanskrit words Surya and Namaskar, where Surya means sun and Namaskar means Namaskar or Prayer. Surya Namaskar posture in the early morning is one of the best ways to start the day. Surya Namaskar is completed in a total of 12 steps and each step of it is very beneficial in itself. Surya Namaskar posture is a very old technique of praying and thanking Lord Surya. In the whole process of Surya Namaskar, different names of Lord Surya are chanted.

Prayer pose
Raised Arms Pose
        Hand to Foot Pose
            Equestrian Pose
                 Dandasana (Stick Pose)
                        Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute With Eight Parts Or Points)
                                  Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
                                         Parvatasana (Mountain pose)
                                               Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)
                                                    Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
                                                           Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

The Way of Surya Namaskar

There are a total of 12 steps of Surya Namaskar posture. The entire steps of this asana should be done very carefully and there should be no change from your side. This asana is beneficial only if done properly. Come, know the right way to do Surya Namaskar.

Step1: Prayer Pose

Lay the mat on the floor and stand upright on top of it. There should not be much distance between the two legs and you should balance the weight equally on both the legs. After this, spread both your arms and keep the shoulders loose. Now inhale, raise both your arms up and while exhaling, join the two palms together in prayer posture and chant Om Mitrayah Namah.

Step 2: Raised Arms Pose

After that raise both your arms up and slowly bend your palms towards the back of the head. Shoulder and shoulders should be touching the ears. As much as possible pull your abdomen upright and tilt the body backwards and then chant Om Khagya Namah. Stay in this posture for a while and inhale.

Step 3: Hand to Foot Pose

In the third step of Surya Namaskar, you have to lean forward and place your palms on the ground in front of both the legs. In the bent state, the forehead should touch the knee and try to touch the feet with the palms. After this, while exhaling, one should chant the mantra Om Surya Namah.

Step 4:  Equestrian Pose

Now spread one leg one step backwards and keep the other leg in front of both palms on the ground very straight, feet should be between the two palms on the ground and the palms should touch the ground. Keep the head very straight and while exhaling, chant Om Bhanuve Namah.

Step 5: Dandasana (Stick Pose)

After this, stick both the legs and bend the wrist down towards the floor and try to bend the body down while keeping both palms on the ground and chant Om Ravi Namah while exhaling.

Step 6:  Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute With Eight Parts Or Points)

After this, take your knees, chest and forehead with your palms slowly down to the floor and lift the chest and elbows slightly upwards. Inhale and chant Om Pushnaya Namah.

Step 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Keep your waist down on the ground and try to lift the upper body. Look up and keep your arms straight. After this, inhale slowly and after that chant Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah.

Step 8: Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

Raise your hips up and tilt your head, eyes, navel and end down on the ground. This makes the body inverted 'V' shape. After accepting this mudra, chant Om Marichhiye Namah.

Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

In this step you have to repeat the same step 4 step, that is, while breathing, but the right leg forward between the two palms and bend the left knee down on the ground, pressing down on the hips. While exhaling, chant Om Aditya Namah.

Step 10: Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

Exhale and bring the left leg forward. Place the palms on the ground and bend the knees. Do not bend the knees and try to touch the knees with the nose. While exhaling, chant Om Savitri Namah. This pose is exactly like step 3.

Step 11: Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Inhale and roll up the spine, raise the hands and tilt the back of the head slightly and gently push the hips forward. Muscles should touch the ears and there should be tension in the body. While breathing, chant Om Arkaya Namah. This pose is exactly like step 2.

Step 12: Tadasana

The last step of Surya Namaskar is the same as the first step. For the first time, while exhaling, keep the body absolutely straight and chant Om Bhaskarai Namah while breathing normally while sticking both palms together in a greeting or prayer posture.